Quentin EllettDean of Curriculum and Pedagogy

    Magister Ellett has taught at HSCA since 2015. He currently teaches the 6th-9th grade class as well as holding the position of the Dean of Curriculum and Pedagogy. His study of the Trivium and Quadrivium (the classical organization of the liberal arts) guides the Academy’s curricular choices and instructional methods. Magister Ellett is inspired by reviving the Trivium as a universal model for the education of young minds and hearts. Heading the Humane Letters Seminar for HSCA’s upperclassmen, he demonstrates mastery in literature, grammar, history, philosophy, religion and the social sciences. At university, he studied modern philosophy and Southeast Asian religions. His special interests include: Homer and the evolution of Greek poetry, Greek philosophy, Latin studies and translation, philosophy of language and semiotics, scholasticism and the evolution of medieval thought, philosophy of religion, classical American pragmatism, German idealism and aesthetic philosophy, literary modernism, and twentieth-century philosophy of science. His moments of recreation, when they do not belong to Homer, involve his own literary endeavors and sharing his home with the “Friends of Diogenes.”